Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Party Never Ends

I had Mom in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet, getting her washed up and her clothes changed. I realized I had left her shoes in the bedroom, so I headed off to get them.

When I got back, Mom was standing outside the bathroom, the white part above in one hand, the stopper from the bathroom sink in the other, and something in her mouth. I asked her what she had, and out popped the little silver part on the right above. *()&*()*%$#$!@#$@ I couldn't find the bolt part though. Since she had the stopper in her hand, (Remember, work backwards from whatever she has in her hand.) I walked into the bathroom and looked. Yep, there it was, down the drain. Again, ()(&**(#$%!

Luckily, I am fairly adept with chopsticks, so I was able to get it out. I put the sink handle back together, screwed it back on, and let out a sigh of relief. That woman is curious, crafty, and quick. A combination that can be exhausting, but not dull.


Claire MW said...

Wow, that's a bit alarming. I thought she had swallowed it. I'm so glad that wasn't the case. She was quick to take that apart - usually I can't do it even when I WANT to!

Mama Pea said...

Ever considered hiring her out as a demolition expert? She wouldn't even need any tools. She could take apart anything with her bare hands. Seriously, it's a little scary, but you have the best attitude by keeping your great sense of humor about it.

Cindy said...

What I find really interesting is that she can figure it out. Some part of her brain is still problem solving. Thank God your sense of humor is intact. I find mine moseying out of reach quite often.

Linda Sue said...

WOW She is quick!

rilera said...

Wow, your Mom is a Houdini! She's fast.

bulletholes said...

Chopsticks! Wow, thats pretty good.
Did she ever work for GM?