I was out in the yard taking a few shots of the feathery grass in the bright sun, when Simba wandered over to see what I was looking at, then flopped down for a rest.

Then Puddin' had to come over too.

It wasn't long after that photo was taken that she wound up on my back, settling in for a snooze, but also head butting the back of my head and drooling. Nice.

Simba settled in for a snooze too. She has me on a rollercoaster. Her condition seems to change day by day. Sometimes I think that she's fine, not normal but not in pain and happy. The next she can't get up by herself, and hobbles around. But through it all she still seems like her happy dog self, not crying or whimpering or yelping, eating and drinking with gusto. I'm trying to decide if I am just seeing what I want to see, because I can't bear the thought of losing her, or if she is still doing ok. Am I just being selfish?
Beautiful shots of the grass. As for your baby, Simba? If she is not in pain and eating and happy, enjoy her and let her enjoy herself. Don't borrow trouble, Sweetie.
I'm sure you would know if Simba were in pain. When she's moving like she's got a hitch in her get-a-long, it's probably just like we feel when we get up and everything doesn't move real smooth for a few steps. We grunt and groan and oof about it, but I don't think dogs know how to do that.
Beautiful pics!
The photo with both Puddin and Simba is fantastic! What a beautiful place it is where you live.
Gorgeous shots.
Facing health issues with my little buddy at the moment. Just can't even go there.
lovely photos
From experience, the sign I watch for with old dogs is when they deliberately absent themselves. If they are outdoor dogs they'll just go off someplace and not come back. You'll find them a distance from the house and they won't come when you call them. People often do this, too. Hospice calls it "Going Active". It means they are actively working on dying. They just aren't tuned in anymore and they don't want to be called back. They ignore the usual appeals from you. If they are indoor dogs, it is harder to read them, but then, they have more in the way of support and comfort if they are kept indoors. That makes it more up to you than them. As said above, if she's not in much pain and she's able to eat, I'd not worry about it.
I hope Simba is OK. Almost missed Puddin' in the shot, had to take a second look.
Simba is OK. She will tell you when it is time for her to go.
The photos are fantastic. Simba will let you know when it's time.
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