Thursday, January 20, 2011


I lost my best friend, faithful companion and footwarmer for the past twelve years early this morning. She was a good dog.


Lona said...

Ah. Pain on pain. I am so sorry for your loss.

Lilac Haven said...

How sad. Hopefully the memories you have will be of some comfort.

Jennifer said...

Sending love. :-(

kayceebeebee said...

Oh, no. How sad. Hard to lose a dog that's been with you day after day after day. I looked back in the blog to find past posts about your dog and can only hope you think of the happy memories that Ursa brought to you and your Mom. Thinking of the heart "art" your Mom put on your beautiful dog. So sorry.

sophanne said...

So sad with you

sandy said...

awww, that's such a lovely photo

Mama Pea said...

It hurts so much when we lose them I sometimes wonder why we subject ourselves to that when we know they live such a relatively short time compared to us.

Keep good memories of what a good life she had in your heart. Sending a hug.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Annie. Do you think everyone could stay well for a bit, huh??????

gale (she shoots sheep shots) said...

So very sorry.

Robin said...

Oh Annie...I'm SO very sorry. My heart breaks for you...

Cynthia said...

So sorry.

Anonymous said...

OH Annie, I am so sorry to read this post today. I'm thinking of you with thoughts for comfort.

~Amanda (gr8aunt)

Eyes to See said...

The worst pain I've experienced in grieving was for a dog. They are with us/for us in ways that people can't be. It is so hard not to get attached to them; and harder still to lose them. Do allow yourself to grieve; it is necessary.

tonya said...

so sorry to hear of your sorrow and loss.

Northmoon said...

So sorry to read you have lost your dog. I know from experience how terribly sad this is. They are love in a little four-legged package.

Ginny said...

So sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry.


Joyce said...

I've just gone and 'loved' my two. Was three.
Hugs all round.

mary lee said...

She certainly looks like a good dog. I hope she runs into my Fred. I'm sending you warm wishes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Annie...I'll be facing that too soon. Take good care.

Anonymous said...

The wonderful light in the picture make it looks like your beautiful "brown bear dog" is sitting contemplating in doggy heaven. I think that our dogs when they leave us in some sense remains our guardian angels, like they have in been in life.