A friend and I were discussing weaving on the peg loom, and the subject of a finer peg loom that what I had came up. By finer, I mean one with smaller pegs set closer together. The next thing I knew, she had built one for me.

Isn't she pretty? All painted and everything.

This is the best part.
She is thinking of producing these for sale, so if anybody is interested, let me know.
I tried her out using some cotton tape yarn I got at the Textile Center Garage Sale last year.

I love the effect!

I just realized what the yarn reminds me of. Shoestrings.
How fortunate you are in your friends! The loom is beautiful, and so is the scarf.
The loom is lovely and so is your scarf!
Thanks for your excellent peg loom posts and links. I saw one at the NH S&W fest last month and all your information helped me to create my own.
Love the paint job on the loom! I've been hoping to get a loom to use with finer yarns but have not been able to afford one yet. I might be interested if your friend does start selling them. Love the paint job on yours!
What's the ideal ratio of peg size to peg spacing?
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