Thursday, March 13, 2008

Signs of Spring

I went out this morning in search of signs of spring. It was a beautifully sunny 36 degrees, with a windchill of 28. It felt wonderful!

The chives were still under a few inches of snow. Usually by now I am snipping a few into an omelette. The tulips were still buried too. Dang.

However, I do have a little lake in my hayfield!

As I was walking (rather dejectedly) back to the house, I found this!

You're wondering what the heck it is, and why am I so excited about it, right? Well, once I found that, I knew to go searching for this.

I have quite a few maple trees around here, as you might deduce from the name of the place. As the buds swell, they drop this little papery covering, which the ever-present wind blows into little piles on the snow.

As I was taking the little pile photo, I heard the call of a robin. I was never able to spot him, but I heard him! Woohoo!


Cindy said...

It's inching its way up there. Our robins just arrived about 10 days ago. Our crocuses are about to bud out and bloom. The tulips and hyacinths and daffodils about 2-3 weeks out. I promise. It's headed your way:)

rilera said...

Bring it on! I'm ready! I saw people in the Cities wearing shorts and no coats. Our neighborhood has come alive again, everyone is out walking. But we still have piles of snow...but they are melting. I can see buds on our lilacs. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I noticed your comment on YASTM. That was a sad post but I do so enjoy his writing and the way he describes small town life.

I am anxious for spring myself. It always makes me feel more optimistic about everything.