Yesterday when the roof guys were here tarping the house, they took this off the roof. I believe it used to hold an antenna.
At first I thought, oh great, where do I take this to get rid of it. My recent visit to the Cathedral of Junk made me look at it in a different light though.
It is very sturdy, about 5 feet tall, probably adjustable although I haven't tried, has bracket feet with screw holes at the bottom which you can't see because they are covered with snow (I may be a little bitter, but really I can't complain because up north got 6-8 inches), but I could drive tent stakes through them to secure to the ground. I'm thinking I can use it in the garden, plant peas or beans or cucumbers around it, and a climbing they will go. Or maybe a tomato plant in the middle, it is strong enough to act as a tomato cage. Hmmm. Any other suggestions?
you could fold it up and use it as a club to wail the daylights out of the next raccoon you see...but i like the idea of growing peas up it better.
I like the idea of using it in the garden.
I'm so sick of snow and cold.
Rick, thank you for making me laugh! I might stick with the vegetable though.
Robyn, how much snow did you end up with? We just got a dusting, and it is all gone now.
We also only received a dusting and it is all gone now too. But it's cold.
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