I've added a few things to the wall of junk this year. A sweet little garden sign I picked up in Kansas City when I was there in March. A big horseshoe I found in the pasture, along with some rusty metal doodads I have no idea what they are, also found in the pasture.

The two inside panels of this side blew down in the fierce winds we had this winter. I finally re-erected them and put stuff back. Unfortunately it crushed a ceramic wall planter that used to hang there. A volunteer hollyhock is doing well in the compost pile this wall o junk screens.

I planted some sunflower seeds in front of the wall, should have thought to plant them in back. I think I planted them too late anyway, probably won't get any flowers before the frost hits. Next year I'll start earlier, and plant them in back. That will be nice to have some sunflowers nodding over the wall from the back. I have a few short zinnias planted on this side, but still feel like it needs more color. Maybe if I paint the clay pots that are hanging on the steel posts? Any suggestions?
I love the wall of junk idea and especially the homemade article you put there--did it really last in that condition thru the winter? I love the pictures of the farm...daydream, daydream, daydream
Colleen, I took the felted Greenman down for the winter, and hung it up again in the spring. I was intending to felt and hang a blue/white one, like a "Winterman", but I didn't quite get that done.
lookin' good!
wasnt that the wall built from the old pallets? I love that wall!
I'm envious of those hollyhocks! I planted the seeds you sent me but nothing came up. Your wall of junk is pretty neat.
I'm glad to see that the green felted face is still on the wall o' junk. It's held up nicely or so it seems.
Your photograph inspired me! I was outside working with the compost piles, and realized how much nicer they'd look behind a wall like yours ... so I built one! Now I have a spot to hang some cool stuff ... as soon as some turns up!
Thank you for the awesome idea!
Are there close ups of your felted green man? I've been wanting a green man face for my house (and a winter face to switch it out for, now that's a cool idea) ... maybe a felted one would work.
KCBB, remind me of your address in a couple of months, and I will send you some when these go to seed. Maybe the ones I sent were old, but I don't remember!
AppleJack, do a search for Greenman on the blog and it should bring up several posts with close up photos.
I need to do more of that in my backyard wilderness. I love the rustic look of your wall of junk!
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