This very large (13 1/2" across the top) bowl came home with me from Luticia Clementine's too. I found it on their clearance shelf, and suggested that I use it to store the fiber I was spinning that day. I thought it looked more attractive than the plastic bag I had it in. I fell in love with it. It is wood, or a reasonable fascimile thereof. Even though it looks beautiful sitting on my dynamite box in my living room too, (still filled with fiber), I also wanted it for the threshing bee I spin at. They don't like to have plastic stuff about. I usually use baskets, but they can often snag the fiber. This bowl will be perfect for the threshing bee too.
Today's title reminded me of a story. Several years ago, I was getting my hair cut at a walk-in salon. Chatting with the stylist, I mentioned that I had llamas. When she asked me what I use them for, I replied, for their fiber. She then asked what they taste like. Huh? Yep, she thought I meant that they are a high fiber food. I may have managed to keep a straight face when I explained my use of the term fiber, but I don't know how.
Cool. Is that a neckwarmer? It's mighty pretty. Love the bowl. And, isn't it funny that we "know" what we mean, but it often is not taken that way.
Oh, that's going to make me smile for a long, long time. Llama fiber. Now in bite-sized pieces with cinnamon!
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