Saturday, March 28, 2009

When Swifts Go Bad



Cindy said...

That just curdles my blood.

Linda Sue said...


Mama Pea said...

Okay, I'm gonna show my ignorance. What are "swifts?" Or what is a "swift?" Please?

Annie said...

The swift is the blurry contraption in the foreground of the picture. You drape the skein of yarn around it, and use the ball winder (in the background of the photo)to wind a center pull ball. The swift twirls around and releases the yarn as you wind. If you're unlucky, or your swift hates you, the skein falls off and creates an unholy tangle.

Mama Pea said...

Ooooh, so the "swift" does the job of the back of the chair that I usually drape my skein of yarn over. If my husband knew of such a tool I might be gifted one 'cause when I have a skein gone contrary, I enlist him to hold it on his two outstretched arms/hands . . . a job he doesn't relish. Thanks for the explanation.

Anonymous said...

Send that swift to the corner, and don't give it ANY dinner.

Happy winding!

Amanda (gr8aunt)

beegirl said...

Oh, bummer - it looks like a flying spaghetti monster exploded!