Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mowing, or not.

Today is a good day for mowing with the scythe. Cool and rainy, it helps keep the grass soft so the scythe cuts easier. I went out and mowed some earlier. I've learned that I can't do things the way I used to without Mom around. I have a riding mower, but I can't really use it anymore. For one thing, I can't hear the baby monitor that I use to keep track of Mom while I am outside doing chores or whatever. If she is outside with me, she tries to follow me around while I am on the mower. That is just too dangerous. I can't say that I really miss the rider though. As a matter of fact, I don't miss it at all.

Scything is wonderful! I can hear the birds and Mom sing while I mow. I get some badly needed exercise. I don't have to buy expensive gasoline to run the rider. I can smell the newly cut grass and my own sweat without overtones of mower exhaust. I can see the small patch of spotted violet that survived the winter, and avoid cutting it down.

My goal is to not mow with the rider all summer. I'll let the animals into the yard to eat what they want, and hit the rest with the scythe. I hope.

Of course, I might get accosted by a peeping Tieck while I am innocently working at the computer, but she just makes me laugh anyway, so it's all good.


Eyes to see said...

I didn't know that wet grass was easier to cut with a scythe? I'll have to try that. Love the pic of the alpaca silhouette!

Gail Rae said...

I'm very glad you mentioned this. I bought the only type of scythe I could find a month or so ago and am having trouble figuring out how to use it. I always thought the blade was open, like a moon on it's way to a quarter full, but this one has a closed, angled blade posted between a semi-circle, which is attached to the handle. I've tried a couple of ways to do it: holding the grass; not holding the grass...
What type of scythe do you have? Is it anything like mine? If so, any tips on using it gracefully, or does it just take some practice?

Annie said...

Gail Rae, I got the package from here. They handle European scythes, which are very different from the American ones. I can't tell from your description what you have, I'm bad like that. A custom made snath, fit to your measurements, appropriate blade for whatever you're using it for, book, peening jig, sharpening stone and holder completes the package. It isn't cheap, but I like to buy quality tools. And it sings, I tell you! I love the sound. If you haven't yet, click on the link to my earlier post, and watch the video. I hope the video is still there, I didn't look. That will help you with the correct stance.

Lily said...

Fabulous video! Looks like a great way to get a tiny waist, wish I hadn't bought the new flymo now!

Cindy said...

We only get the white and purple violets, but I still love them. I HATE cutting the grass with a mower, but it's the only way I can do it with the time allotted. I can imagine there is a soothing rythmn to scything and the exercise does us all good. And, now I understand what you meant by your Mom's singsong. It's so dear.

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie-
I saw you on the ALZ org website and I googled MapleCorners and here you are! I hope you don't mind. I so wanted to see the pictures of your mom's artwork after watching the HBO special. Thanks for having them on here I am starting to look thru them now and it is just amazing!
(Im the user on alz org Kathy IL)