There's a way. Believe me, there was a will. I wanted those berries with every fiber of my being.

This is almost 4 cups of berries, that I picked in about a half an hour. I took the wire cutter to the fence, and by judiciously snipping a few wires, created windows through which my arm could fit. It was still way too slow though, and I was limited to what I could reach. It is like those berries were taunting me. What can I say, I am a greedy girl. I wanted them all!
I remembered that through another gate, not terribly far off, there was a section of fence that was only four foot. By pushing it down a little, I was able to get over it. I can almost hear my friend P yelling at me. The ankle is still puffy and bruising, so I probably shouldn't be climbing over fences and walking over rough ground through tall grasses and weeds. But the berries won't wait!
Muwahahaha! They were mine, all mine! There were birds cussing me out the whole time I was picking. I just told them that I pay the mortgage and taxes on this land, I'll pick what I want, thank you very much! There are still buckets left to pick, and more ripening. I can only do it while Mom is sleeping, so my time is limited.
Now, whatever shall I do with about 5 cups of blackberries?
way to go, annie!
peanut butter and blackberry sandwich with a glass of milk?
A small batch of jam? Ooooh, I love blackberry jam! Or freeze those you don't gobble up fresh and make jam when you have enough.
I'm thinking of starting with a blackberry/blueberry/rhubarb pie.
my cousin swears they make the best cobblers
I haave blackberries in the back yard and I often pick a cup or two, pour a little maple syrup over them, and cook them for about 10 minutes. The resulting syrup can be poured over ice cream, pancakes, or just spooned on a piece of bread. Yum! Love 'em.
PIE! And jam! And blackberry crisp! I'm glad you were able to get to them, but I'm going to chastise you for risking your ankle. It sounds like the reward was worth the risk. Take care of yourself!
1.)Save a cup for your Mom.
2.)Eat 3 cups one by one to savor the goodness.
3.) Put the last cup on cornflakes. I never eat cornflakes except where there are ripe berries.
Blackberry and apple pie with custard - nothing better.
Did you know we call blackberries brambles in the UK? I have some growing in my garden, they're taking over!
Have you got a dehydrator by any chance?
Dehydrated berries are fabulous ... they keep in jars on the shelf, don't take up much space, and are very welcome additions to muffins, breads, and pancakes all winter.
Syrup's good too, if you have the knack. I tried it last year and didn't really succeed ... need to try that again.
Or, just eat 'em. :)
All of those ways are great.
My father knew blackberry pie was my absolute favorite. And those never enough times when my now ex allowed us to visit in August, my dad always made sure he picked enough for a pie.
Now, we are more civilized and have tractors and cutters that can maintain the paths. So picking is easy; just walk the path.
And that I did the other day. No ripe berries Too late for raspberries and too early for blackberries. That means there's hucklevberries, but those paths aren't maintained and I can no longer make my way through the brush.
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